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/ Cream of the Crop 21 / Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso / educate / scrabl39.zip / UNUSUAL.LST < prev    next >
File List  |  1996-02-11  |  48KB  |  5,824 lines

  1. aalii
  2. aargh
  3. aarrgh
  4. aarrghh
  5. ab
  6. abamp
  7. abapical
  8. abasia
  9. abatis
  10. abba
  11. abbas
  12. abbe
  13. abele
  14. abelia
  15. abelian
  16. abelias
  17. ablins
  18. aboideau
  19. abrachia
  20. abri
  21. abrosia
  22. abs
  23. abseil
  24. abye
  25. abysm
  26. acapnia
  27. accidia
  28. acequia
  29. acetin
  30. achiest
  31. achillea
  32. acholia
  33. acholias
  34. aciculum
  35. acidemia
  36. aciduria
  37. ackee
  38. acnode
  39. acquest
  40. acrasia
  41. acrolect
  42. acrolects
  43. acrosome
  44. actressy
  45. aculei
  46. aculeus
  47. acyl
  48. acylate
  49. acyloin
  50. acyloins
  51. adax
  52. additory
  53. adenoses
  54. adenosis
  55. adieu
  56. admix
  57. adobo
  58. adobos
  59. adonis
  60. adonises
  61. adsorber
  62. adsorbers
  63. adunc
  64. advect
  65. adze
  66. adzuki
  67. adzukis
  68. aecidial
  69. aeon
  70. aequorin
  71. aerie
  72. aerosat
  73. afebrile
  74. affinal
  75. ag
  76. aga
  77. agarose
  78. agaze
  79. agee
  80. agenting
  81. agentings
  82. aggadic
  83. aggro
  84. agha
  85. agly
  86. agma
  87. agnosia
  88. agnosias
  89. agon
  90. agravic
  91. agria
  92. agrypnia
  93. ague
  94. ahem
  95. ahimsa
  96. aioli
  97. airhole
  98. airholes
  99. airpower
  100. airpowers
  101. aisleway
  102. aisleways
  103. ajee
  104. ajiva
  105. ajowan
  106. ajuga
  107. akee
  108. al
  109. alae
  110. alang
  111. alant
  112. alaska
  113. alates
  114. albata
  115. albedoes
  116. albizia
  117. albizzia
  118. alcade
  119. alcid
  120. alee
  121. alegar
  122. alencon
  123. alif
  124. aliunde
  125. aliya
  126. aliyos
  127. aliyot
  128. alkies
  129. alkoxide
  130. alkoxides
  131. alky
  132. allee
  133. allees
  134. alloxan
  135. als
  136. amadou
  137. amanitin
  138. amanitins
  139. amaretti
  140. amaretto
  141. amberina
  142. amberinas
  143. ambit
  144. amboyna
  145. amia
  146. amici
  147. amicus
  148. amidine
  149. amidone
  150. ammono
  151. amosite
  152. amosites
  153. ampanadas
  154. amplexus
  155. ampoule
  156. ampul
  157. amusia
  158. amylogen
  159. anaphor
  160. anaphors
  161. anemosis
  162. aneurin
  163. angakok
  164. anil
  165. animalic
  166. ankled
  167. ankling
  168. anoa
  169. anoretics
  170. anovular
  171. antbear
  172. antbears
  173. anthelixes
  174. antiair
  175. antiar
  176. antidora
  177. antidrug
  178. antiflu
  179. antifur
  180. antilock
  181. antiporn
  182. antirock
  183. antiweed
  184. antrums
  185. antsy
  186. anural
  187. anuran
  188. aoudad
  189. apex
  190. aphthae
  191. apicals
  192. apnoea
  193. apoapsides
  194. apoapsis
  195. apod
  196. apomict
  197. apophony
  198. apospory
  199. apres
  200. aprotic
  201. apterium
  202. aqua
  203. aquavit
  204. arabica
  205. arabicas
  206. arak
  207. aramid
  208. aramids
  209. arb
  210. arbelest
  211. arcanums
  212. arcsine
  213. arenite
  214. argala
  215. arkose
  216. arkosic
  217. armagnac
  218. arris
  219. artsy
  220. arugola
  221. arugula
  222. asana
  223. asanas
  224. ashfall
  225. ashfalls
  226. askew
  227. askoi
  228. askos
  229. asphyxy
  230. assagai
  231. astigmia
  232. astilbe
  233. astilbes
  234. astony
  235. atabals
  236. atactic
  237. atap
  238. ataxy
  239. atemoya
  240. atemoyas
  241. athetoid
  242. atlatl
  243. atomiser
  244. atomisers
  245. att
  246. attaboy
  247. aubretia
  248. aucuba
  249. audial
  250. aurae
  251. aurei
  252. ausform
  253. australes
  254. australs
  255. ausubo
  256. auteur
  257. autistics
  258. autolyse
  259. autolysed
  260. autolyses
  261. autolysing
  262. auxin
  263. avadavat
  264. avadavats
  265. avant
  266. avgas
  267. awash
  268. awry
  269. axal
  270. axel
  271. axil
  272. axile
  273. axion
  274. axions
  275. axite
  276. axolotl
  277. axon
  278. axone
  279. axonemal
  280. axoneme
  281. ayah
  282. ayurveda
  283. azan
  284. azide
  285. azido
  286. azine
  287. azlon
  288. azoic
  289. azole
  290. azon
  291. azote
  292. azoth
  293. baases
  294. baaskaap
  295. bacalao
  296. bach
  297. backdropped
  298. backdropping
  299. backfit
  300. backfits
  301. backfitted
  302. backfitting
  303. backflow
  304. backflows
  305. backland
  306. backlands
  307. backroom
  308. bacterias
  309. baculum
  310. bagger
  311. baghouse
  312. baghouses
  313. baht
  314. baiza
  315. balatus
  316. baldric
  317. ballute
  318. bam
  319. bangkok
  320. banjax
  321. banjaxed
  322. banjaxes
  323. banjaxing
  324. bankerly
  325. bannered
  326. bannering
  327. banteng
  328. bantengs
  329. banty
  330. banzai
  331. bap
  332. baps
  333. barbascoes
  334. barbeque
  335. barchan
  336. bareboat
  337. bargello
  338. barky
  339. barye
  340. basinful
  341. basinfuls
  342. basmati
  343. basmatis
  344. battik
  345. bauhinia
  346. bawtie
  347. bayman
  348. baymen
  349. bazar
  350. bazoo
  351. bazooms
  352. beaucoup
  353. beaux
  354. bedu
  355. beefalo
  356. beelined
  357. beelining
  358. beetler
  359. beeyard
  360. beeyards
  361. beezer
  362. beglamor
  363. beglamored
  364. beglamoring
  365. beglamors
  366. beignet
  367. bejabers
  368. bejeezus
  369. bejesus
  370. belter
  371. belters
  372. bendy
  373. benomyl
  374. benzal
  375. berberis
  376. berberises
  377. berdache
  378. bergere
  379. bermudas
  380. bertha
  381. beryl
  382. bethesda
  383. bevy
  384. bezazz
  385. bezel
  386. bezil
  387. bhang
  388. bharal
  389. bharals
  390. bhut
  391. biali
  392. biblist
  393. bicaudal
  394. biennale
  395. bigarade
  396. bigs
  397. bijou
  398. bikie
  399. billie
  400. bimbo
  401. bimorph
  402. bindi
  403. binger
  404. bingers
  405. binocs
  406. biochip
  407. biochips
  408. bioethic
  409. biogas
  410. biopic
  411. biopics
  412. biopsied
  413. biopsying
  414. biotoxin
  415. biphasic
  416. birdings
  417. birdsong
  418. birdsongs
  419. birrotch
  420. biunique
  421. biz
  422. bizzes
  423. blam
  424. bleep
  425. blesbok
  426. blet
  427. blimy
  428. blitz
  429. blooey
  430. blooie
  431. bloviate
  432. blowdown
  433. blowdowns
  434. blub
  435. blubbed
  436. blubbing
  437. blubs
  438. bludger
  439. bludgers
  440. bluetick
  441. blueticks
  442. blurbed
  443. blurbing
  444. blype
  445. boatful
  446. boatfuls
  447. boatlike
  448. bodhran
  449. bodhrans
  450. bogan
  451. bogle
  452. bogy
  453. boiloff
  454. boing
  455. boiserie
  456. bolds
  457. bollocks
  458. bolshie
  459. bolshy
  460. bombax
  461. bombesin
  462. bombings
  463. bonaci
  464. bonk
  465. bonze
  466. boobie
  467. boobish
  468. boodle
  469. boogey
  470. boogeyed
  471. boogeying
  472. boogeys
  473. boogied
  474. boogy
  475. bookable
  476. boombox
  477. boondock
  478. bootable
  479. boozy
  480. bopeep
  481. bopeeps
  482. bordeaux
  483. boreen
  484. bota
  485. botanica
  486. bothrium
  487. bothy
  488. botrytis
  489. boubou
  490. bouchee
  491. bourride
  492. bouton
  493. bouvier
  494. bovid
  495. bowwowed
  496. boychick
  497. boychik
  498. brachs
  499. braciola
  500. braciole
  501. braconid
  502. braky
  503. brassed
  504. bravi
  505. bravo
  506. braw
  507. braxy
  508. braza
  509. bready
  510. bren
  511. bribee
  512. brickles
  513. bris
  514. britska
  515. bro
  516. broking
  517. brokings
  518. bromize
  519. brookie
  520. brookies
  521. bros
  522. browed
  523. brr
  524. brrr
  525. brugh
  526. buhl
  527. bulimics
  528. bummest
  529. bumph
  530. bumphs
  531. bundt
  532. bungee
  533. bungees
  534. bunraku
  535. bunrakus
  536. buppie
  537. buppies
  538. burbs
  539. burrito
  540. bursera
  541. bushpig
  542. bushpigs
  543. bushwa
  544. busload
  545. busloads
  546. bustiers
  547. bustline
  548. bustlines
  549. bute
  550. buxom
  551. buzuki
  552. buzukia
  553. byrl
  554. byzant
  555. cabernet
  556. cabomba
  557. cabombas
  558. cache
  559. caesar
  560. caff
  561. caffs
  562. cain
  563. cajaput
  564. cakey
  565. caky
  566. calamari
  567. caldaria
  568. calix
  569. callaloo
  570. calo
  571. calorize
  572. calotype
  573. calotypes
  574. calx
  575. calyx
  576. calzone
  577. camphire
  578. camphires
  579. canephor
  580. canid
  581. cannoli
  582. canola
  583. canoodle
  584. caph
  585. caplet
  586. caponata
  587. capris
  588. capsomer
  589. caramba
  590. carb
  591. carbo
  592. carbos
  593. carex
  594. caritas
  595. cark
  596. carr
  597. carrs
  598. cartoony
  599. caryatic
  600. casbah
  601. casini
  602. casita
  603. cassata
  604. castable
  605. catawba
  606. catclaw
  607. catclaws
  608. catfight
  609. catfights
  610. cathodal
  611. cattery
  612. cavie
  613. cazique
  614. cedi
  615. cel
  616. celiacs
  617. celosia
  618. cels
  619. cep
  620. cepe
  621. cepheid
  622. ceps
  623. cere
  624. cervelas
  625. cervid
  626. ceviche
  627. chablis
  628. chadar
  629. chador
  630. chadri
  631. chainsaw
  632. chainsawed
  633. chainsawing
  634. chainsaws
  635. chakra
  636. chalazia
  637. chaleh
  638. challa
  639. cham
  640. chao
  641. chapati
  642. chapatti
  643. chappati
  644. chappatis
  645. charley
  646. charlie
  647. charqui
  648. chatchka
  649. chatchke
  650. chay
  651. chazzan
  652. chazzanim
  653. cheapo
  654. cheerly
  655. cheliped
  656. chelipeds
  657. chetrum
  658. chevre
  659. chez
  660. chicano
  661. chicer
  662. chickee
  663. chickory
  664. chilidog
  665. chine
  666. chippier
  667. chippiest
  668. chiral
  669. chitosan
  670. chlamys
  671. chloasma
  672. choana
  673. cholent
  674. cholo
  675. cholos
  676. chook
  677. chooks
  678. chorea
  679. chromyls
  680. chugalug
  681. chugalugs
  682. churr
  683. chyle
  684. ciao
  685. cibol
  686. cicatrix
  687. cicisbeos
  688. cimbalom
  689. cinque
  690. cioppino
  691. cire
  692. cirque
  693. cis
  694. cissy
  695. cistus
  696. citator
  697. citrinin
  698. citrusy
  699. citywide
  700. civie
  701. civvy
  702. clade
  703. clades
  704. cladist
  705. cladists
  706. clammer
  707. classico
  708. claustra
  709. claves
  710. clavi
  711. clavus
  712. clawlike
  713. cleek
  714. cleidoic
  715. clitic
  716. clitics
  717. clitorides
  718. clivia
  719. cloacas
  720. clochard
  721. clogger
  722. cloggers
  723. clop
  724. cloque
  725. cloze
  726. clubbish
  727. clueless
  728. clunky
  729. coaly
  730. coanchor
  731. coanchored
  732. coanchoring
  733. coanchors
  734. cockapoo
  735. cocoyam
  736. cocoyams
  737. codec
  738. codex
  739. coeval
  740. coevolve
  741. cojoin
  742. cokehead
  743. cokeheads
  744. collider
  745. colliders
  746. colobi
  747. coloboma
  748. colobus
  749. colone
  750. colonics
  751. colorize
  752. colorized
  753. colorizes
  754. colorizing
  755. colorman
  756. colormen
  757. colza
  758. comember
  759. comembers
  760. comix
  761. comp
  762. comsymp
  763. conch
  764. conchie
  765. confit
  766. confits
  767. congrats
  768. coniosis
  769. conky
  770. contras
  771. coocoo
  772. cooee
  773. cooey
  774. cooktop
  775. cooktops
  776. cooldown
  777. cooldowns
  778. coolth
  779. cooter
  780. cooters
  781. coppicing
  782. coprince
  783. copurify
  784. copyedit
  785. cor
  786. cordelle
  787. cornpone
  788. cornpones
  789. cornrow
  790. coronate
  791. coronated
  792. coronates
  793. coronating
  794. coronoid
  795. corsetry
  796. coruler
  797. corulers
  798. cory
  799. corybant
  800. cottered
  801. coulis
  802. coulises
  803. covin
  804. cowflap
  805. cowflop
  806. cowpie
  807. cowplop
  808. coxa
  809. coxae
  810. coxal
  811. coxitis
  812. coxy
  813. coydog
  814. coypu
  815. cozen
  816. cozey
  817. cozie
  818. crankish
  819. creolise
  820. creolised
  821. creolises
  822. creolising
  823. creolize
  824. creolized
  825. creolizes
  826. creolizing
  827. crepon
  828. crewmate
  829. crewmates
  830. crickey
  831. crikey
  832. cripe
  833. cripes
  834. croc
  835. crookery
  836. croze
  837. cruck
  838. crucks
  839. crudites
  840. crumbum
  841. crumhorn
  842. crux
  843. cruzado
  844. crwth
  845. crwth
  846. cuddler
  847. cuddlers
  848. culex
  849. cultish
  850. cultlike
  851. cuppa
  852. curated
  853. curating
  854. curf
  855. cursor
  856. custardy
  857. cutbank
  858. cutesie
  859. cyano
  860. cyclery
  861. cyder
  862. cylix
  863. cyma
  864. cymbalom
  865. cymbidia
  866. cytokine
  867. cytokines
  868. cytosol
  869. czar
  870. dacker
  871. dacoity
  872. daffily
  873. dagga
  874. dagwood
  875. dahl
  876. daikon
  877. daimen
  878. dakoity
  879. dal
  880. dalasis
  881. daledh
  882. dalton
  883. danish
  884. dapsone
  885. daric
  886. darshan
  887. dashi
  888. davy
  889. dawk
  890. deadlift
  891. deadlifted
  892. deadlifting
  893. deadlifts
  894. debeak
  895. debeaked
  896. debeaking
  897. debeaks
  898. debride
  899. debugger
  900. debuggers
  901. debye
  902. decaf
  903. decalog
  904. decisioned
  905. decisioning
  906. deco
  907. decuple
  908. deejay
  909. deerlike
  910. deet
  911. defi
  912. deflater
  913. deflaters
  914. defund
  915. defunded
  916. defunding
  917. defunds
  918. deify
  919. deixis
  920. deixises
  921. dekare
  922. deke
  923. dekko
  924. delphic
  925. demerara
  926. demersal
  927. demeton
  928. demy
  929. dentiled
  930. deontic
  931. deoxy
  932. derate
  933. derated
  934. derates
  935. derating
  936. desoxy
  937. detassel
  938. detox
  939. deutzia
  940. deverbal
  941. dewar
  942. dewax
  943. dewormer
  944. dewormers
  945. dewy
  946. dexie
  947. dexy
  948. dhak
  949. dhal
  950. dhobi
  951. dhoti
  952. dhourra
  953. dhow
  954. dh